Green Silicon carbide powder for polishing bakelite materials

Green Silicon carbide powder for polishing bakelite materials

Green silicon carbide micro powder is ideal for polishing hard and brittle materials. Plastic part made from bakelite powder is one of them.

Bakelite is a synthetic polymer of phenol and formaldehyde. It is a thermosetting plastic. Its characteristics include lower elasticity than ordinary plastics, increased strength and hardness, and not easy to decompose. At the same time, it has a good heat resistance and chemical resistance and is not as easy to age as ordinary plastic products. It is suitable for making electrical equipment such as skeletons, switches, telephone casings, relays; heat insulation rings for kitchen utensils; page wheels, commutators, and valve gates and valve covers for gas equipment in the automotive industry.
Bakelite plastics are generally injection molded through molds, and burrs often occur after demolding. To remove burrs and make the surface smooth, green silicon carbide should be used for grinding. In actual operation, green silicon carbide powder 800 grit /1000 grits can make the surface finish Ra of the gas valve grid reach 0.7-1.5um.

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