Green silicon carbide polishing powder for grinding high borosilicate glass

Green silicon carbide polishing powder for grinding high borosilicate glass

Compared with ordinary glass, high borosilicate glass has the advantages of higher mechanical strength, fire resistance, and thermal stability. So it has to get harder abrasive media to polish and finish borosilicate glass. That abrasive media should be green silicon carbide polishing powder.

Diamond is generally used when scribing glass in daily life. This is because the hardness of glass is very high, and it doesn’t work with a grinding wheel or scissors like cutting stainless steel and aluminum alloy plates. So, what abrasive media works when grinding and polishing glass (especially special glass such as quartz glass, and borosilicate glass) in industrial production?
According to our experience green silicon carbide polishing powder works out in many glass polishing-related applications.  Its hardness rank NO.2 after diamond powder. Green silicon carbide polishing powder is suitable for optical lenses, quartz glass products, borosilicate glass products, and other materials. On the one hand, green silicon carbide has high strength.  Mohs hardness can reach 9.5, Vickers hardness is 3100-3300kg/mm2, and it is the leader in traditional abrasives. Moreover, the cost of green silicon carbide is much lower than that of diamond, which can achieve good economic benefits.
The green silicon carbide micro powder produced by Haixu Abrasives is not air-selected but precipitated by water flow cleaning. The particle range is narrow, it could make the glass surface smooth after polishing.

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