Green SiC powder 63um 50um for ultra-thin diamond blade

Green SiC powder 63um 50um for ultra-thin diamond blade

Ultra-thin diamond disc is abrasive tool used to dicing electronic components in semiconductor industries.  The main material of ultra-thin diamond dicing blades is diamond powder. Diamond has a very high hardness, and dicing blades made of it can provide very fine and clean cutting effects.

Green SiC powder is usually an auxiliary material added to diamond powder. Its main function is to adjust the hardness of diamond cutting and play a filling role. At the same time, the hardness of green silicon carbide is slightly lower than that of diamond. However, the cost of GC powder is much lower than that of artificial diamond abrasives. Thus, it can acheive cost saving.
In this application, the particle size of green SiC powder are 63um and 50um.


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