Black Silicon Carbide Grit #360 Mesh for PTFE paint

Black Silicon Carbide Grit #360 Mesh for PTFE paint

The wear-resistant powder in PTFE paint usually uses green silicon carbide micro powder because green silicon carbide has high hardness and wear resistance. It is suitable for improving the wear resistance of coatings. It is commonly for cooking tools, pharmaceutical reaction containers, chemical equipment, etc. In contrast, black silicon carbide usually has slightly lower hardness and is not as wear-resistant as green silicon carbide. However, in areas where product precision is not high, such as the building materials industry, customers also partially replace green silicon carbide with Black Silicon Carbide Grit #360 Mesh.

The Black SiC Grit #360 Mesh is washed with acid and water. Thus SiC content can also reach over 99%. The content of uniform magnetic particles is low, and the material has a Mohs hardness of about 9.2. Although it is lower than green SiC, it is also much higher than abrasives such as quartz sand and corundum.

The specific technical data of Black SiC Grit #360 are as below:

Physical Index:

Hardness: HV2840-3320kg/mm2
Hardness: Mohs9.2-9.3
Specific Gravity3.2-3.45 g/cm3
Particle ShapeFine powder
Bulk density(LPD)1.32-1.40 g/cm3
Crystal shapeHexagonal
Melting Pointdissociated at about 2300°C
Maximum service temperature1900°C
Thermal conductivity70-130W/M·K
Thermal expansion coefficient3.9-4.5 x10-6 /°C (0-1600°C)

Chemical Composition:

Chemical ItemGuarantee Value(%)Typical Value(%)
Free C≤0.200.09

Particle size distribution(By Laser Analyzer LS609) :

SizeGuarantee ValueTypical Value

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